Lately I have been having the type of luck that you don't even want to talk about because you are afraid of jinxing yourself. To be safe, I knock on wood as I share this. All these finds are from about 2 weeks ago...and I have plenty more from this week that still need photographed. I have been a bad, bad blogger getting so far behind.
To begin with...I introduce the Pyrex. The Golden Scroll Cinderella from the chip and dip set was found at Salvation Army. My Dad was absolutely fantastic and picked up the 2 Amish Blue Butterprint casseroles, the snowflake blue casserole, the pink gooseberry 444, the small town and country bowl, and promotional casserole in cradle at the flea market while I was at work. You see how this works right? I go make money while he simultaneously spends the money doing the shopping I wish I could...but at least I get to live through his adventures. The yellow fridgie and flamingo plate were from Goodwill while the lime pie plate and Daisy casserole were my flea market finds. Also found at the flea market were the 4 jadeite saucers and 3 small cookbooks. The trunk was an awesome yard sale score. Oh how I have longed for a trunk and for $5 I finally have one! Last, I found the Treasure Hunt board game from the 1940's at Goodwill. Thankfully it seems to have all the pieces and just generally seems pretty nifty.

In addition to all these adventures, putting my time in with the daily grind, and spending some fantastic time with my boyfriend...I have also undertook a large project: Organizing my storage area. I think the best way to summarize this endeavor is that I discovered I have over a hundred of the small booklet style cook books(such as pictured above). Oh My.
Happy Thrifting everyone and I hope to have updates on my new finds soon!
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