It has been far far too long. Luckily my life is starting to settle into the lazy summer lull that I love. I just finished up my junior year of college -and landed on the Dean's List. Recently I started a new relationship with a guy who happens to love flea markets. Work has also been pretty nice to me as of late with getting time off. And last but not least, next weekend is my 21st birthday. So I suppose you could say that life is good.
Therefore, it is time to update you on what I had found the month of May. I think I was pretty productive considering how little time I had. I picked up the pair of vintage camp stools for only $2 a piece. The mixing bowls in blue, red, green, orange, and Brittany blue were all around $4-6 each. The blue primary frigie is the older style for $6 in mint condition. Now for my favorites... I spy with my little eye...

...SOMETHING PINK! My first pink mixing bowl in fact. And let me just say, I am impressed with how good of condition it is! I owe this one to my dad, picking it up at the flea market (while I worked) for only $8!
Also a "Dad find" were these small red dishes for the hostess set. The great thing about it is that these three were found for $8 total...and I had one from before....
...So now I have a nice even 4 of them.
These wire file trays were a pretty neat find for $1 a I grabbed 6.
Finally we have "the can". My dad makes fun of me for purchasing this rusty old Hy-mo cake shortening can. But it was only $4. And I think it's awesome. Also pictured are 2 vintage Pyrex measuring cups for $2 each, a vintage table cloth for $2.50, a cute little pair of metal scissors for $.50 and 2 old and partially fallen apart cook books for free.
Well that's all for now folks, tomorrow I will be heading to a flea market that was quite impressive last year so who knows what I shall return with...oh, and the flea market loving boyfriend will be joining me so I will cross my fingers for a good day! Happy thrifting, flea marketing, yard saleing and the like! Enjoy the sunshine!
Linking up over at Thriftasaurus!